Università degli Studi di Trieste

The UNITS group will lead WP2, and will be Task Leader in the following Tasks: T2.1, in which it will grow OSSCs; T2.2, in which it will perform the most of the foreseen characterizations; T2.3, in which it will carry out some of the foreseen characterizations, and coordinate the efforts of the partners; T2.6, in which it will model the X-rays response of the crystals. It will also contribute to the following Tasks: T2.4, in which it will follow the formulation of jettable inks for crystal growth after inkjet printing; T2.5, in which it will contribute to the characterization of the considered interfaces; T3.3 and T3.4, in which it will contribute to the characterization of the considered device elements; T5.4, in which it will contribute to the determination of the response characteristics of the developed sensing system; the whole WP7, in which it will contribute to the dissemination of the achieved results. In general, the contribution of UNITS to the project will be devoted to the development and optimization of the growth from solution of organic semiconducting single crystals (OSSCs) and to their characterized under the structural (X-rays diffraction for determination of lattice arrangement), optical (UV-Vis-IR for determination of electronic and vibrational energy states), physical (melting point, phase changes, thermal degradation, X-rays spectroscopy) and electrical (current transport behaviour) points of view. Moreover, thanks to the possibility to access the UNITS - Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA synchrotron light facilities to produce X-rays of tunable energy, thorough studies over the OSSCs response to X-rays will be also carried out.
With respect to the needs of i-FLEXIS, UNITS hosts a wealth of well equipped laboratories (advanced scanning probe and scanning tunnelling microscopies, optical microscopes with extended digital capabilities, chemical manipulations and characterizations, electronics, thin films deposition and characterization, UV-Vis, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, X-rays diffraction, etc.). UNITS has an established network of collaborations of institutional and/or informal (i.e., based on personal scientific exchanges between single researchers) nature with a series of geographically near research centres (UNITS - Sincrotrone Trieste, ICTP, ICGEB, SISSA, CNR branches, etc), which provide additional scientific and technical capabilities to the department. Among these collaborations, to the end of the i-FLEXIS project, the already granted commitment of UNITS to allow Dr. Fraleoni Morgera to access the UNITS Laboratories and facilities will contribute further to reach the project objectives.

graduated in Industrial Chemistry in 1995, then followed a one-year Master in Business Administration at the University of Bologna, after which worked from 1996 to 2000 for a private company in the field of plastic pies, as a Production Organization and raw Matter Logistics Manager. He went back to research in 2000 to pursue a PhD in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna, on the topic of synthesis and characterization of semiconducting polymers, and he gained his PhD in 2003. Since 2008 he is a Senior Researcher at Sincrotrone Trieste, where he set up, and currently runs, the Organic OptoElectronics Laboratory, supervising funded projects for an approximate total value of 750 K€. Author or co-author of 31 research papers on international refereed journals, and author/co-author of 68 communications to national and international conferences (more than 30 oral communications, of which 6 on invitation). Holder of 7 national/international patents/patent applications, three of which have been submitted to, and has passed, the PCT examination.

is full professor at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Trieste. He has been the head of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Information Technology from 2006 to 2012 and the president of the Research board of the University of Trieste from 2010 to 2012. At present he is the director of the Ph.D. School of Nanotechnology at the University of Trieste. Professor Fermeglia's research interest are focused on: multiscale modeling for materials design and life science, phase equilibrium and applied thermodynamics, process simulation, molecular simulation, nanotechnology, nanomedicine. Fermeglia has published more than 140 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters and has made more than 180 conference presentations as invited plenary, keynote, oral or poster presenter. In the area of nanomaterials he was the local leader of several EU FP6 and FP7 projects dealing with modeling and simulation. He was scientific consultant of ICS - UNIDO within the Subprogram 'Process Simulation' from 1999 to 2011 and of UNEP for the implementation of PRTR in different countries. H index in 2012 is 23; sum of times cited is 1673; average citations per items is 12.21 (WOS).


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