graduated in Industrial Chemistry in
1995, then followed a one-year Master in Business Administration
at the University of Bologna, after which worked from 1996 to 2000
for a private company in the field of plastic pies, as a Production
Organization and raw Matter Logistics Manager. He went back to
research in 2000 to pursue a PhD in Industrial Chemistry at the
University of Bologna, on the topic of synthesis and characterization
of semiconducting polymers, and he gained his PhD in 2003. Since 2008 he is a Senior
Researcher at Sincrotrone Trieste, where he set up, and currently runs, the Organic
OptoElectronics Laboratory, supervising funded projects for an approximate total
value of 750 K€. Author or co-author of 31 research papers on international refereed
journals, and author/co-author of 68 communications to national and international
conferences (more than 30 oral communications, of which 6 on invitation). Holder of
7 national/international patents/patent applications, three of which have been
submitted to, and has passed, the PCT examination.
is full professor at the Engineering Faculty of
the University of Trieste. He has been the head of the Department
of Industrial Engineering & Information Technology from 2006 to
2012 and the president of the Research board of the University of
Trieste from 2010 to 2012. At present he is the director of the
Ph.D. School of Nanotechnology at the University of Trieste.
Professor Fermeglia's research interest are focused on: multiscale
modeling for materials design and life science, phase equilibrium
and applied thermodynamics, process simulation, molecular simulation,
nanotechnology, nanomedicine. Fermeglia has published more than 140 peer
reviewed journal articles and book chapters and has made more than 180 conference
presentations as invited plenary, keynote, oral or poster presenter. In the area of
nanomaterials he was the local leader of several EU FP6 and FP7 projects dealing with
modeling and simulation. He was scientific consultant of ICS - UNIDO within the
Subprogram 'Process Simulation' from 1999 to 2011 and of UNEP for the
implementation of PRTR in different countries. H index in 2012 is 23; sum of times
cited is 1673; average citations per items is 12.21 (WOS).