EURORAD company manager. PhD in Pharmacy on radio-nuclear
transfer to plants following a nuclear accident. She has since gained international
experience by working in the USA as a manager of Drug Delivery Services and then as
assistant to the director of international strategy at the ORIS-CEA Industries group. She
joined EURORAD in 1993 and is presently the chief Operating Officer.
Over 40 years of experience in a public laboratory. Involved in the
development of Si, Si(Li), Ge(Li), H.P.GE, Hgl2and CdTe + CZT detectors. He has
published over 100 papers on CdTe: he supervised 30 doctorates, and holds 20 patents
in the field. He has been President of the EMRS and the IUM. He holds several awards:
Czochralski gold metal, IEE, etc.
graduated as M. Eng. in Chemistry at the Polytechnical
University of Wroclaw in Poland. She gained her PhD in physical chemistry
(spectroscopy) in 1977 at the same University. She worked there in the fields of
coordination chemistry and fast pulsed optoelectronics as Assistant Professor at the
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Metallurgy of Rare Elements. Since December
1989 she works in France as a researcher. She joint EURORAD in 2000 as an R&D
manager. She is author and co-author of numerous scientific papers as well as of few
European patents.